Electronic payment in Hindi after 2022

What are digital payments in Hindi (India)after 2022? Part-3

Posted byaskbylaw_admin on October 25, 2021 
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The object of writing an article: - What is digital payment in Hindi

What is digital payment in Hindi-There is a lack of knowledge in most people about an electronic payment called a digital payment. For that reason that is why I have humbly tried to write an in-depth article on a legal process called Digital payment. Reserve bank of India on digital payment, how big is the digital payments market? How many digital transactions are in India? What does digital payment include? What Disadvantages of digital payment? Digital payment issues in India? How do I complain to the digital payment ombudsman? Etc.; is mentioned in the article? What is digital payment in Hindi(India) After that, I hope through our law firm/attorney at law that this article will be useful to every online user and or reader to increase/upgrade their legal knowledge & awareness? Learn more…

See you soon first, this article is intended for free legal education and free legal awareness only purposes from our online law office/online law firm. The said article should not prepare as a proper online legal Act. As well as readers should contact us for a proper solution and potential online best legal advice on the said article.

Reserve bank of India on digital Payment

As well as you see first the RBI index has shown significant growth in recent years, representing the rapid adoption and strengthening of digital payments across the country till “the RBI said in detail. Learn more ask a free unique question in our online free legal advice best platform in detail.https://m.rbi.org.in/Scripts/AnnualReportPublications.aspx?Id=1322

How big is the digital payments market?

What is digital payment index?


  • Watch you first for this purpose as I have noted so far soon the Reserve Bank of India have created the Joint Digital Payment Index to capture the extent of digitization in India. The RBI includes 5(five) broad parameters that enable more in-depth and penetrative measurement of digital payments across the country over different periods. As well as Vis a vis in brief These parameters are- (I) Payment Enabling, (ii) Payment Infrastructure-Demand-Side Factors, (iii) Payment Infrastructure-Supply-Side Factors, (IV) Payment Operations and (v) Customer Concentration. Learn more ask a free unique question in our online free legal advice best platform in detail.What is digital payment in Hindi.


  • Still as I have noted even more so far soon of all the indicators, from time to time the payment performance has the highest weight of 45%, followed by payment enabling with 25% weight, payment infrastructure- supply side and demand side with 15% and 10% weight respectively. Finally, for this reason the weight of the indicator of consumer centricity is 5%. As well as Via a Vis To that end what is an important indicator to track the development of all aspects of the digital payment index? In like manner in brief learn more ask a free unique question in our online free legal advice best platform in detail.


  • As I have noted without doubt from time to time so far soon the RBI-INDEX has formed on March 2018 as the base period, like an INDEX score for March 2018 is set at 100. For this reason the Digital Payments Index is published on a semi-annual basis with a break of 4 months. Vis a vis the value of the index has increased 2.7 times in 3 years, from 100 in March 2018 to 270.59 in March 2021. As well as After all to that end Due to in effect recent years have seen significant growth in the index, in brief representing the rapid adoption and deepening of digital payments across the country. Learn more ask a free unique question in our online free legal advice best platform in detail.

Digital payment index(DPI) UPSC

As I have noted you see as well as in brief the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has created the Joint Digital Payments Index. In sum to capture the extent of digitization of payments across the country. As soon as Learn more ask a free unique question in our online free legal advice best platform in detail.

  • Period                                      Index
  • March 2018 (base)              100
  • March 2019                          153.47
  • September 2019                  173.49
  • March 2020                          207.84
  • September 2020                   217.74
  • March 2021                           270.59

What are the advantages of digital payments?

  • You see every business needs to maintain a high cash flow to operate smoothly. That is why many businesses have begun to accept their payments digitally. Digital payment systems can help businesses save time and money. With digital payments, you can process your payments faster.
  • In detail Digital payment systems will allow you to make cash requests instantly and allow you to reconcile your financial records with the utmost precision. As well as this will eliminate your accounting errors and help you keep your records clear. But due to the benefits of using a digital solution for payment are not limited to this; here are some essential benefits of digital payment as under:

1. Instant payment hub

First, Digital payments are much faster than traditional methods of payment such as cash or checks. In the case of online payments, you have no time or place limit. You can easily pay anytime anywhere in the world. The e-payment system has eliminated the need to go to banks to make payments. Now your customers don't have to waste their time standing in long lines at banks. They can easily pay you using a digital payment app.

2. High payment security level

Second, in brief, despite its robust features, digital payment systems have not become so popular among merchants. They are still using the same old methods to accept payments. As a result, they are losing the opportunity to serve more customers. Digital payment systems offer you multiple ways to secure your payments, such as tokenization, encryption, SSL, and more. Now your customers don't have to enter their card details every time as they can save their card details or complete their transactions using the one-time password in depth.

3. Better customer convenience process

See you Digital payment can help you provide your customers with a convenient payment experience. It allows your customer to purchase goods on credit by offering them a later payment facility. Instead of constantly sending reminders to your customers for payment, you can automatically collect money after a certain period of time in detail.

4. saves processing costs method

If you want to provide payment services to your customers, you first need to connect to a card processor. The processor will give you a payment gateway for processing and in return, it will charge you a fixed price. These costs are a lot higher. On the other hand, if you are using a digital payment system in your business, you do not need to charge such high charges. You only have to pay a fixed subscription to your service provider.

5. Low risk of theft

The phrase ‘cash is the king’ is prevalent in the business world, but this king also had some limitations. If you are using cash to accept payments from customers, it is more likely to be stolen. Also, you need to take high-security measures to deposit cash in your bank account. But this risk can be reduced if you are using a secure digital payment system in your business. By using it, you don't have to worry about your payment records. You can easily get an accurate record of all your transactions at the end of the day.

6. Transparent method

For that purpose, transparency becomes an essential factor when it comes to payments. And when you are using a digital medium to accept payments, it becomes necessary for you to maintain transparency in your transactions. In the case of digital payments, you don't have to worry about a record of your payment details. Also, you can give your customers advance payment details. So that there will be less chance of confusion.

7. Contactless system

In sum in times of the COVID-19 epidemic, as well as people have begun to find ways to avoid human touch to protect them from being infected with the coronavirus. This has increased the need for contactless payments. As soon as you can use a contactless POS terminal in your business to avoid human contact. In this system, the payer needs to keep his phone close to the terminal and his payment will be processed automatically. Also, you can enable your customers to pay using QR codes or One-time passwords (OTP). Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice best platform.

What does digital payment include?

As I have noted, watch you for that reason soon The Government of India is taking a number of steps to promote and promote digital payments in the country. From time to time Due to as part of the 'Digital India' campaign. Soon as well as the government aims to create a 'digital strong' economy that is 'faceless, paperless, and cashless. Till in brief in sum, there are different types and methods of digital payment in detail. Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice best platform.

  • Banking cards
  • Unstructured supplementary service data(USSD)
  • Aadhar enabled payment systems( AEPS)
  • Unified payment interface(UPI)
  • Mobile Gazette
  • Banking pro-paid cards
  • POS terminals
  • Internet banking
  • Mobile app banking
  • ATM cards

What Disadvantages of digital payment?

See you there are few disadvantages to Digital payment methods till since.  But According to the cyber expert, you can remove from your life through digital awareness. Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice best platform. Check out these examples:

  1. Normal Service Fees Payment gateways and third party payment processors charge service fees as well as fixed. Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice best platform.
  • Even more rarely Inconvenient for Offline Fly Sales Payment for Offline Sales Inconvenient payment methods are inconvenient. Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice best platform.
  • You are not aware; Vulnerability for cybercriminals can disable online payment methods or use them to steal people's money or information. In sum in brief due to learn more about article of cybercrime soon. Awareness of cyber law must require.  Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice best platform.
  • Finally and rarely reliance on telecommunication infrastructure Internet based and server problems can disable digital payment methods. Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice best platform.
  • Lastly and rarely technical Problems Due to technical problems, digital payment methods may go down. Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice best platform.

Digital payment issues in India?

Policy initiative on digital payment

You see for that purpose so far In the Union Budget 2017-18, key policies announced by the Humble Finance Minister to promote digital payments. And as well as The Ministry of Finance has taken a major initiative in drafting a bill to amend the Payments and Settlement Systems Act-2007. And pass as envisaged in the report of the Committee on Digital Payments 2016 in detail as under: Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice best platform.

  1. The RBI has taken four major policy initiatives.
  2. National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) system compromise at half-hour intervals
  3. Master Guidelines on Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs)
  4. Rationalization of merchant discount rates
  5. Collection of payment system data
  6. The impact of these initiatives on digital payments will assess in due course.

Opportunities on digital payment

As well as watch you first so far soon digital payments offer unique opportunities. And soon from time to time global trends suggest an increase in consumer expectations for value-added services, increased competition in sum due to the emergence of fintech, new technologies, and a constantly changing regulatory landscape. And these emerging global trends are expected to affect the Indian digital payment ecosystem and promote the growth of digital payments in detail. Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice best platform.

Emerging global trends on digital payment

Lastly, to that end, you see As soon as so far Alternative payment channels such as Contactless and Wearable receive acceptance. As well as in the case, even more, Explore distributed ledger technology to transform cross-border payments by banks and fin-tech. And soon for corporate treasurers, instant payment processing is likely to become the 'new norm' for businesses. also soon as global cyber-attacks increase, regulators are focusing on complying with data privacy laws. With you see Infrastructure is likely to rationalize as payment intermediaries come together or evolve till in detail. What is digital payment in Hindi Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice best platform.


How do I complain to digital payment ombudsman?

Till in effect so soon surely for this purpose In brief in sum due to by adopting the methods discussed above, we can increase the use of digital payments transactions. To that end as well as learn more and ask a free question in our online legal advice best platform. Learn more….

You see lastly, all in all, if the What is digital payment in Hindi is registered keeping in view the question mentioned in this article, in sum the person due to making the digital payment definitely get due to the benefit as per law till. And in like manner it is also desirable to solve with an expert intellectual property lawyer if possible.

If you have any free questions or want more information about our What is digital payment in Hindi article in like manner of a blog comment or, you can let us know via email at info@askbylaw.com. We will humbly try to resolve your question very easily and on time. Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice best platform.




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Viren Dave is the founder and partner of a law firm called Advocate Askbylaw. He specializes in enhancing engagement and user peace of mind by helping troubleshoot user legal queries. And, starting his career as a lawyer, he supports solving many legal issues in civil, criminal, property, consumer, family, and corporate law. You can find him on his blog or under mentioned social links:
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