Court marriage process in India online? 2021-2022

Posted byaskbylaw_admin on October 3, 2021 
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SerialSummary of  content-Court marriage
1.Introduction-Court marriage
2.Meaning  of court marriage  
3.Who can eligible for court marriage
4.What are the documents require for court marriage in India?
5.How can I get marriage in one day?
6.How can I do online marriage?
7.How much does it cost for court marriage in India?
8.How can I get marriage without parental consent?
9.Is notice to parents about court marriage sent?
10.How to do court marriage without notice?
11.Advantages of court marriage?
Court marriage process in India

Object of writing an article: - Court marriage process in India

Court marriage process in India-There is a great understanding of confusion in the public about a process called a Court marriage. For that reason that is why I have humbly tried to write an in-depth article on a legal process called court marriage. Who should do the marriage? What should take care of while preparing the court marriage, etc. is mentioned in the article? After that I hope through our law firm/attorney at law that this article will be useful to the every couple and users increase their legal knowledge & awareness.

First understand, this article is intended for free legal education and free legal awareness purposes only from our law office/law firm and the said article should not prepare as proper free legal advice. As well as readers should contact us for proper solution and particular legal advice on the said article.

Introduction-Court marriage

You see the first court marriage perception in India is choosing in relatives. We talk to about to do court marriage in India. Learn 10 simple steps with all the legal procedure required regarding a successful court marriage. What’s requirement of document & witnesses, what’s the procedure, what cost for marrying in India, what’s advantages of court marriage, what’s disadvantages of court marriage, and more & more. Ask a free question if format of online legal advice.    

Meaning  of court marriage

According to the marriage act-1954 and the special marriage act-1954, Judicial wedding procedure can implement when any person someone of the opposite sex, the boy is complete 21 years his age and the girl is complete 18 years her age. If the boy-girl who want to get married are Hindu then the marriage will be enforced under Hindu marriage law, but if the couples who want to get married are Hindu but are inter-cast then their marriage can done under the special marriage Act. Ask free legal question in form online legal advice.

Who can eligible for court marriage?

The boy is complete 21 years his age and the girl is complete 18 years complete her age. The most important thing about a marriage is that none of the person who got married should have been not married before and the boy or girl who got married should be healthy. Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice platform.

What are the documents require for court marriage in India?

Without these papers, the solemnization of the marriage procedure in India is not done. Under mentioned papers from boy and girl compulsory require by court authority.  Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice platform.

  1. Application form duly signed by boy and girl
  2. Original receipt of fees paid along with application form
  3. Certified Copy of school leaving certificate or Birth certificate of boy and girl
  4. Self-attasted Copy of Adhar of boy and girl
  5. Attested Copy of Adhar of two witnesses
  6. Two postcard size photograph of boy and girl
  7. Tow passport size photograph of boy and girl
  8. Affidavit one each from the boy and girl (They are not related to each other within the degree of prohibited relationship defined in the special marriage Act)

How can I get marriage in one day?

Yes, it is possible when boy and girl decide to do registration process of marriage done under the Hindu marriage act. But it is not possible when if boy and girl decide to registration process of marriage done under the special marriage Act. Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice platform.

How can I do online marriage?

Off-course, as well as you can do online marriage registration, but online marriage process can applicable under the Hindu law and other personal law. Subject to prescribed documents and procedure. Appearing and filling process complete may be within a single day.

And as well as see, you can do online marriage registration, but online marriage process can applicable under the Special marriage Act. Subject to prescribed documents and procedure. Appearing and filling process cannot complete within a single day, single month. Marriage process can complete within 30 to 60 days. Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice platform.

How much does it cost for court marriage in India?

The process of wedding registration fees/cost structure also varies from state law and rules and one to individually look into the fees/cost of the place where the wedding is to solemnize. Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice platform.

How can I get marriage without parental consent?

Yes, you see first And as well as see, you can do online marriage registration, but online marriage process can applicable under the Special marriage Act. Subject to prescribed documents and procedure. Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice platform.

Is notice to parents about court marriage sent?

You see No, it is not compulsory under the Special marriage law. And as well as see, you can do online marriage registration, but also online marriage process can applicable under the Special marriage Act. In brief also Subject to prescribed documents and procedure of law. Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice platform.

How to do court marriage without notice?

watch you first No, it is not possible when if boy and girl decide due to registration process of marriage done under the special marriage Act. Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice platform.

Advantages of court marriage?

As well as, watch you first as soon as the following benefits of getting married in court can be enjoyed by a court wedding husband-wife during their wedding.

  1. Its economical and smart procedure
  2. Boy-Girl saves the huge expenses of wedding rituals and celebration.
  3. Both the parties to the wedding get the option of solemnizing the court wedding in any way they need.
  4. Please ensure the consent of the both parties. The both parties of court wedding are willingly appearing to sign the court wedding document. for this purpose In brief Because of there as in the court wedding of ritual, the consent of the parties may or may not free. Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice platform.


Judicial wedding registration process

Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice platform.


In sum for this purpose so if there is any confusion regarding filling up the marriage registration form, as soon as you can complete your registration with the help of an expert advocate in your area. Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice platform.

Lastly, all in all if the wedding registration registered keeping in view the matters mentioned in this article, in sum the person making the wedding registration definitely get due to the benefit as per law. And in like manner it is also desirable to have a wedding registered with an expert Marriage lawyer if possible.

If you have any questions or want more information about our wedding registration questions, you can let us know via email We will humbly try to resolve your question very easily and on time. Learn more ask a free question in our online legal advice platform.

Thanks for read.Visit again

You can reach out to Viren S. Dave via WhatsApp Web for further discussions

About the Author

Viren Dave is the founder and partner of a law firm called Advocate Askbylaw. He specializes in enhancing engagement and user peace of mind by helping troubleshoot user legal queries. And, starting his career as a lawyer, he supports solving many legal issues in civil, criminal, property, consumer, family, and corporate law. You can find him on his blog or under mentioned social links:
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