Alimony via divorce: safe to make quickly justice fearless admit

Alimony via divorce: Safe to make quickly justice fearless admit

Posted byaskbylaw_admin on June 5, 2022 
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Today's article: Alimony via divorce: Safe to make quickly justice fearless admit

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Summary of article

1. Introduction
2. Why I paid alimony (Concept)
3. How many name of alimony in world
4. Difference between alimony and maintenance
5. Types of alimony in divorce
6. What are the most common types of alimony?
7. What are three types of spousal rights?
8. Can I pay alimony through cheque or electronic payment system?
9. Can working women get alimony?
10. How can you avoid alimony?
11. Can husband claim wife’s alimony?
12. Reference
13. Conclusion-Askbylaw
  1. Introduction-Alimony via divorce

Alimony via divorce. What a great sentence. “Even if you don't get married, you get sadness, and even if you get married, you get sadness’. This saying of the old days is coming true. The issue of marriage and divorce has been a challenge in human society for centuries. As well as. Over time, awareness began to emerge, but self-awareness on the subject of marriage and divorce is not seen as much as it should be. But. After a few years of marriage, some couples do not divorce out of fear of society. As much as, sometimes a divorce is granted immediately after the marriage. However, that the reasons of there are many social, personal, legally, and family reasons for getting a divorce. At the end of that. The reasons are sometimes not disclosed before a scholarly court.

What a great arrangement. When a couple decides to separate, they also have to decide on their rights and future needs. As well as. If the husband and wife have children, they also need to consider their future needs. Often the responsibility for minor children falls on the mother (wife). At the end of that. Sometimes spouses get divorced by deciding the amount of alimony out of court instead of getting involved in legal proceedings.

What is this alimony? How is the amount of alimony determined? What happens if I don't pay the alimony? Can the amount of alimony be neglected? Here I am discussing important questions like this with you through this article. I hope you like my effort. And I will be involved in enhancing your legal understanding.

  1. Why I paid alimony (Concept) Alimony via divorce

The law gives the wife the right to alimony in the event that the husband abandons his wife for any reason. And if the husband leaves the minor children with the wife, the husband also has to pay their maintenance expenses. What a great rule. The husband is responsible for all the maintenance expenses of the abandoned wife and children. If the husband is reluctant to pay the maintenance expenses, the wife can get the alimony with the help of the court.

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  1. How many names of alimony in the world-Alimony via divorce

What a great known. The amount of maintenance for a wife and minor children is known differently in the world. In many countries, it is known as maintenance. So in some countries, the amount of maintenance is also known as alimony. Also, in some countries, it is known as spousal maintenance or spousal maintenance.

  1. Difference between alimony and maintenance

What a great difference. As well as. I can give you an explanation as to what is the difference between alimony and Maintenance. What a great understanding. As much as. The meaning of alimony and sustenance

The meaning of alimony

Whatever the financial assistance provided for the cost of living of any person.

The meaning of maintenance

Any type of financial assistance that a person may be ordered by a court to provide to their spouse during or after a divorce.


Source Alimony




The word alimony. Derived from the Latin word aliment, it means endure.  The amount payable by the husband to his estranged wife. She is unable to maintain their existence during the maintenance of marriage or during divorce  or during divorce period.

Method of payment

This is a one-time final payment This is every month and part of month  payment



1.   Length of marriage

2.   Status of current employment/Trade

3.   Monthly earning of employment/Trade

4.    Education of Spouse and child

5.   Health of spouse

6.   Lifestyle of spouse

7.   Age of spouse

8.   Contribution and responsibility of spouse

1.    Reason for leave

2.   Length of marriage

3.   Status of current employment/Trade

4.   Monthly earning of employment/Trade

5.    Education of Spouse and child

6.   Health of spouse

7.   Lifestyle of spouse

8.   Age of spouse

9.    Contribution and responsibility of spouse


When pay

Alimony is only available after divorce or separation. Divorce is not necessary to obtain Maintenance.


Mode of Payment

The amount of alimony can be given simultaneously in the form of cash or property. The amount of maintenance must be paid in cash or in kind but not the property.


Payment for various duration

The amount of alimony is a onetime payment which has no other types. There are two types of maintenance, interim and permanent.


Decide Amount

The amount of alimony can be 1/3 or 1/5 of the total earnings of the spouse. The amount of maintenance can be 20% to 25% of the spouse's monthly income.



The amount of alimony is determined by both husband and wife. The amount of maintenance is determined by a learned court of law.

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Which law applicable in India with Alimony 

What great tips. India is home to a multi-religious human culture. Since the religions of all these different religions are different. As well as. The individual laws are also different according to their religion. For that end of reason, it is not possible to discuss all the laws with you here but I am discussing with you the applicable provisions as shown below.

Parameters Hindu law Muslim law Christian law Parsi law
Relevant personal


Hindu marriage



Hindu adoption and maintenance

Act-1956 And Special marriage


Muslim women(protection

Of rights on divorce) Act-1986

And Special marriage


Indian divorce act-1869

And Special marriage


Parsi marriage and divorce act-1988
Applicable section Section-13B, 24,25, 26 of H.M.Act.



Section-3(1), 3(2) and 4 of M.W.A. Section-36, 37 and 38 of Indian divorce act Section-39,40,41,and 42 of Parsi marriage act
Husband get alimony Yeah (Applicable Under

Hindu marriage act)


Not Applicable


No Applicable


Not Applicable

Quantum of alimony 1.   Income & property of wife

2.   Income & property of husband

3.    Number of child

4.   Number of dependent

5.   Life style

6.    Basic Need

7.   Who claim divorce

8.    The behavior  of parties

1.    Total Needs of women

2.   Life style at the time of wedding

3.   Number of child

4.   Who claim divorce

1.    The conduct of parties before marriage and after marriage

2.    Source of income of Husband

3.   Other circumstances

1.    Total income of husband and wife
Mode of remedy Grant temporary or Permanent or Lump-sum or monthly alimony To allow temporary, lump-sum monthly based alimony payment beyond period of Iddat Order gross or monthly or weekly based alimony payment To grant total gross monthly or periodical based alimony
Alimony via divorce: Safe to make quickly justice fearless admit

Alimony via divorce: Safe to make quickly justice fearless admit

  1. Types of alimony in divorce Alimony via divorce

What ad great description. Alimony types are generally determined based on human needs. As well as. I will show you the types of alumni below.

  1. Rehabilitative Alimony
  2. Permanent Alimony
  3. Temporary alimony
  4. Reimbursement alimony/Maintenance
  5. Lump-sum alimony/Maintenance
  6. Permanent alimony/Maintenance
  7. Separation alimony/Maintenance
  8. Taxable for alimony/Maintenance

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  1. What are the most common types of alimony?

What a great kind. There are 3 common types used primarily in the case of alumni. As well as. The 3 types I will show you are as follows.

  1. Permanent alimony/Maintenance
  2. Temporary alimony/Maintenance
  3. Lump-sum alimony/Maintenance
  4. What are the three types of spousal rights?- Alimony via divorce

What a great kindness. The following decisions need to make for the wife and children before a divorce is decided first.

  1. Short duration or temporary support earlier
  2. Rehabilitation of spouse and children
  3. Support of Reimbursement

Alimony via divorce: Safe to make quickly justice fearless admit

Can I pay alimony through a cheque or electronic payment system?

Yes, definitely. What great advice. The amount of alimony is usually paid in cash. But in case the payer of alimony does not have a cash arrangement, they can also pay such an amount by cheque.

An electronic payment system is very well implemented in modern times. Alimony can also easily pay using this method. Please to be noted this.

The great advantage of this electronic payment system is that you keep a record of it and have accurate proof that you have made a payment. Also, if you are a taxable taxpayer, this record gives you a tax benefit.

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  1.  Can working women get alimony?

What a great rule. Even a working wife can legally get alimony from her husband's total earnings according to her standard of living. To be noted.

What a great perception. Alimony can be obtained from the income of the working wife even if she is unable to meet her basic needs. As well as. The husband's financial status cannot neglect when deciding on alimony. Due to perception. If the wife's income is sufficient then the demand for alimony can be denied by the court.

  1. How can you avoid alimony?

What great tips. In the following situations, you can neglect to pay the alimony amount. Please to be noted this.

The wife is accused of adultery.

The woman proves to be unfaithful. So the husband can avoid paying alimony. So infidelity benefits the counter partner. The husband can prove in court that his wife is cheating on him. So he has the right to refuse to pay alimony.

Proving adultery in court is not an easy task. It requires an abundance of true evidence, many witnesses, images, videos, and other criminal evidence.

Get married as soon as possible

The amount of alimony your spouse pays. It will be decided by your state or court. As well as the length of the marriage is a criterion that is evaluated by many governments. And as long as the person is married. The more likely it is that he or she may need to pay alimony. You may feel that your marriage is not going well. So think about quitting as soon as you can. And prolonging it further results in additional emotional distress and long-term alimony payments.

If the wife is earning well

Part of the contract allowance can be waived if the wife earns significantly more than the husband. But this requires the discretion of the court.

The country's courts examine the property and income of both spouses. And the court becomes aware of the discrepancy or believes that the wife is capable of maintaining the same standard of living. If the couple suffered during their marriage, the court may investigate the situation and ignore the alimony demand.

You prove that they do not need it.

In certain circumstances, spouses demand alimony for reasons other than revenge. Even if they do not need funds to maintain their quality of life. For example, owning a large sum of money. Do they have a trust fund or a stock portfolio? Do they have a savings account or inheritance? So their inability to adapt to a single lifestyle may not be a factor. And. for the some as a baby gets older he or she will outgrow this.

Make sure you check to see if there are any assets in your spouse's name that could prevent you from paying alimony. You may also want to hire a forensic accountant to help you track these assets or assets. Accountants then charge a fee for their services. And if you avoid long and expensive maintenance fees, the cost will be reasonable.

Have a physical disability

Your spouse may be physically unable to earn his or her own bread and butter. So he can be exempted from paying alimony. Also, the court has the power to order the wife to pay alimony. But the court's decision on alimony is affected by the presentation of your divorce case. If you want to avoid alimony, you may need an experienced lawyer for a divorce in India.

Change the way you live.

Due to divorce. You've probably already made some significant changes. And it is not uncommon for a high-paying spouse to receive alimony payments. Now is also a good time to think about how much money you really need to fund your monthly needs. And if you earn more than your husband, you will almost certainly have to pay alimony. Consider downgrading here to avoid financial constraints and doing a low-paying job, for example, may be the right answer.

Reduce your income and live frugally. And you will need to carefully plan and budget your route. But with a little effort and help from your friends and financial experts, you can avoid a lot of nutrition headaches.

  1. Can the husband claim wife’s alimony?

What a great idea. The husband is bound to keep his wife for the rest of her life. And. If the wife remarries. In such a case the husband is relieved of his responsibility and can apply to the court for an order withholding alimony. But if circumstances change. This means that the husband is unable to maintain the wife due to financial crisis or any other adverse situation and the wife is financially independent by getting a decent salary. In such a case the husband can apply to the court to address the changed circumstances. And the court may, in view of the facts, evidence and, circumstances prevailing at that time, change or revoke the order.

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Alimony via divorce: Safe to make quickly justice fearless admit

  1. Reference-Alimony via divorce

A.Section-13B, Section-24, 25, 26 of Hindu Marriage Act

Special marriage act

Section-125, 128 of the Criminal procedure code

Section-18 of the Hindu adoption and maintenance act

Sureshtha Devi versus Om Prakash (Supreme court)

Rampal versus Nisha (Rajasthan high court)

Gurmeet versus Gururaj (panjab & Hariyana high court)

Neha Tyagi versus Leftenant colonel Dipak Tyagi ( Supreme court)

Rahnesh versus Neha (Supreme court)

Lalita Toppo versus  State of Jharkhand (Supreme court)

Manoj Yadav versus Pushpa @kiran Yadav

Chaturbhuj versus Sitabai (Supreme court)

Abdul Rahim Rahman sheik versus Saida Abdul Rahim sheik and etc.

Conclusion-Alimony via divorce

What a great summary. In today's article, I will tell you who is Alimony? Who has to pay alimony? What are the criteria for alumni? As well as. Where are the types of alumni? Discussed it in detail. Indian law does not allow the husband to escape from the responsibility of alimony.

Alimony via divorce. What great tips. Look you. But this article also discusses with you the situation in which the court exempts the husband from paying alimony in certain special circumstances. Read more…

What a great surprise. Often in a country like India, only courts established by law can exempt a husband from the responsibility of his wife and children. The law, which seeks to absolve the husband of his alimony responsibilities, does not delay the sentencing of a prisoner.

What a great humanity. In a country with a large population like India, even the elderly parents of the family are required by law to get the amount of alimony from their helpless son in the Criminal Procedure Code and in the Senior Citizens Act.

To be noted. Any spouse citizen of the world who needs legal guidance/advice will contact us. As well as.  We will always be ready to provide them with free or paid initially legal advice and guidance.

Jay Hind Jay Bharat

“Happiness is not a destination it’s a way of life”.

Have a good day




VIREN S. DAVE Attorney Viren Dave Globe is a legal services Provider online. Viren Dave is the founder and Main partner of a law firm called Attorney Askbylaw Associates. He specializes in enhancing engagement and user peace of mind by helping troubleshoot user legal queries. And, starting his career as a lawyer, he supports solving many legal issues in civil, criminal, property, consumer, family, corporate and other law. You can find him on his blog

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