9 great Offenses on women’s UPSC essay: 5 great tips for rank 100% UPSC exam

9 great Offenses on women’s, UPSC essay: 5 great tips for rank 100% UPSC exam

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Blog article: 9 great Offenses on women’s UPSC essay: 5 great tips for rank 100% UPSC exam

Hello folks,

"There are 3Cs in life: Choice, Chace and Change. You must make a choice, to take the chance, if you want anything in life to change".-Unknown

Are you listening to me! True!

Offenses on women’s UPSC essay-Introduction

Who was the first man or woman to be born on earth? People have been searching for the answer to this question since the birth of man on earth. Due to the dominance of men on earth, it is accepted that man was born on earth first.

Some philosophers then question the answer to this question: How was the first man born without a woman? There is no end to this debate. But due to the dominance of men at present, most of the women in India have to spend their lives under the domination of men.

Great idea. Some sensible men accept the existence of women without wasting their time in such worthless question-and-answer. And, know the importance and usefulness of women in human life. Proudly. Some males have seen in the past striving for safety with the development of women.

Bad luck. Man has developed in every field. New peaks have been created. Many changes have taken place but some humans still consider women a toy in their hands. Please be noted. And men are created to enjoy women and women should not be independent. There is no change in the mindset of those who have such harmful beliefs. As a result, the crime rate among women seems to be very high and worrying.

Due to the high rate of crime due to the anti-women mentality, there are some instances in Indian society. Shocking. Where some women are living in fear of their own existence apart from the family.

Let us understand with you in detail where crimes are committed against women. Read more...

You can also read: Crimes against women in India statistics 2020: Expectations vs. Reality

Offenses on women’s UPSC essay -What are the reasons behind crime against women?

In the above paragraph, you have learned about the prevailing beliefs in India. Now let me tell you about the reasons. Read more...

Reasons for Violence against Women in India

As Swami Vivekananda of India told the truth. Women will do their destiny. Better than men could ever do for them. All the misfortunes for women have come because men have worked to shape the fate of women. Here are the factors responsible for the growing violence against women. Read more...

Patriarchal mentality

In India. When every child is born. From the earliest days. They are reared differently according to their gender. And, the male child is given toys like a superhero, car, gun and the girl is given a doll, kitchen set, etc. Such a practice is called gender stereotypes. They also face discrimination as they grow up in different stages of life. Mostly in the field of education and employment. Administrative positions for women are not given much consideration by some Indian families. Read more...

The patriarchal mentality of the people of India seeks to assimilate the notion of the superiority of one sex over another in the mind of the child. In India. Male domination is a years-old practice. And, the biggest reason behind the inferiority of woman in India is the biological superiority of men over women which have made her an emotionless person. In India. A woman was reduced to a mere means of enjoyment for man. Thus, both are the main causes of crimes against women. Read more...

Lack of education among women

This is a significant cause of violence in India. Unfortunately, India is still struggling in the field of education. In rural areas. Women are not even sent to schools for primary education. Being deprived of education, they do not understand what is right and what is wrong. Married women do not know their rights. So they consider their spouse's behavior as their destiny. Read more...

The young men of the country mature and develop in a male-dominated environment. With little or no sex education. In rural areas. With very little contact with female peers after puberty. Together, this leads to misdirected masculinity. Which is characterized by male sexual dominance and unequal gender attitudes and behaviors? Education and training are required for both races to overcome this crisis in Indian society. Read more...

Social Dowry Practice

Dowry has become a problem in India. customary dowry practice and consequently the problem of dowry have come out of the complex social situation. The social precedent of Dowry practice in India is promoted through tradition. Mythology and religion. And is subjected to abusive treatment by the legislature, the police, and the courts. With increasing deaths due to dowry across the country, no sincere woman can afford to remain silent. The burden of dowry in India contributes to the view that the birth of a daughter is at least an economic disaster. Girls are discriminated against with their innate homes.

In some cases, if the demand for dowry is not met. Women become victims of violence. Demand increases if the girl is educated or dark in color. This practice continues despite the implementation of the Dowry Prohibition Act-1961. India is currently at the forefront of dowry deaths.

Traditional practices

Sati and Devdasi practices are still prevalent in many parts. In India. The word Devadasi is a Sanskrit word signifying the female servant of the deity or the handmaiden of God. The customary practice has been damaged socially. Culturally and economically to such an extent that the contemporary Devadasi practice is associated only with social evils. Devadasi is neither a reprehensible person nor a strange animal.

A woman is shaped by social context. Patriarchy, caste/class hierarchy, as well as religious superstition, predominate. After the abolition of sati in India. There is a continuous practice in some communities. Some religious texts also write in favor of Sati. A sati-like system that dies at her husband's funeral finds eternal bliss in heaven.

In India. Women have no existence in society without reference to men. So the practice of sati was considered logical for them. Many families feared that the woman would go astray after her husband's death so Sati was the solution for them. Women are physically pushed by society or physically pushed by religion. Adopts the cult of Satipratha. It completely rejects the cult of Sati as a religious activity that reflects the loyalty and devotion of women to their husbands and religion. Both of these practices continue in contemporary India which is highly reprehensible. Such customs degrade women and make them helpless.

Sensitivity of law enforcement agencies

If there is domestic violence and the woman shows courage and lodges a complaint with the police officer. So they usually suggest to them to solve the matter themselves. Because it is not a big problem and it is very common. Now if such a mentality is in the minds of law enforcement agencies then how the public can be expected to understand the seriousness of such an act. Some women never file a complaint for fear of discrediting themselves and their families in society. The law of the land is the protector of every person but it is still considered to be incapable of tackling the problems against women.

Some people have no fear of the law and some women avoid getting involved in the justice process for fear of being reprimanded in court.

Financial Dependency

The husband's ability to provide financially for the family is closely linked to the concept of masculinity as well as personal and family honor. This is the most common cause of crime in society. A person supports someone financially; subconsciously they produce a feeling of superiority. And they think there can do whatsoever they want. They can oppress her, have authority over her body and abuse the woman.

If a woman's husband is unemployed and the wife helps the family financially, then she is a victim of domestic violence. Because he begins to compare his abilities with those of his wife. And somewhere hurts his feelings, social rejection, and a spirit. Incompetence and the relative stress associated with living in despair and poverty can increase men's chances of committing domestic violence.

Intoxication by men

In some countries. Men have inherited the right to be intoxicated, so most men are seen drinking heavily on a daily basis. The drunken man is seen trying to maintain his dominance and dominance. Therefore, sometimes alcohol intoxication is also considered as a reason for committing crimes against women.

Electronics Gadgets

At present. The use of the internet and electronic gadgets in India is very high. These electronic gadgets are used by women to commit crimes and to commit crimes against women.

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Offenses on women’s UPSC essay - What is violence against women 10th?

Proudly. You saw in the first paragraph where crimes against women are caused. The components of crimes against women are as follows: Let me show you. In many countries, Violence against Women is also known as (VAW) for short.

Trusty. The UN clarifies violence against females as “any behavior of gender-based violation. That the results in or is like to physical, sexual, mental harm, suffering to female, with threats of such behavior, coercion, and or arbitrary deprivation of liberty. Whether occurring in public or in personal life.

Offenses on women’s UPSC essay -What is domestic violence As per Indian law?

Amazing. You see first. Interpretation of Law (Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act-2005)

Domestic violence in India is currently defined by the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act of the Domestic Violence Act-2005. As per Section-3 of the Domestic Violence Act, "any act, omission or conduct of the defendant shall be deemed domestic violence if it is committed."

Domestic violence harms the health, safety, life, limbs or well-being of the victim. Or endangers him, whether mentally or physically, or tends to do so. And include physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal and emotional abuse, and economic abuse; or

To harass, injure, injure or endanger the victim in any way forcing her or any other person related to her to meet any illegal demand for dowry or other property or valuable security; Or

Any behavior specified in section-(a) or section-(b) has the effect of threatening the victim or any person related to her. Or otherwise injures or harms the victim, whether physically or mentally. "

It was outlawed in India in-2005. The Indian states of Jammu and Kashmir have their own laws. In the year-2010, The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act-2010 has been enacted in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.

The new amendment in the act

You see first. In-2013. The Indian Parliament passed a new law aimed at protecting women in India more effectively from sexual violence. It has come in the form of the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act-2013. This further improves the Indian Penal Code-1973’s Code of Criminal Procedure-1872. The Indian Evidence Act and the protection of children from sexual offenses. Act-2012. The law pursues chauvinism, creates acid attacks, and for the first time forcibly dissolves a woman from explicit crimes. Provides for the death penalty for rape, and increases the minimum sentence for gang rape and rape committed by a police officer from-10 to 20 years. The new law does not address marital rape, rape by armed forces, or rape against men.

Conservative lawyers and anti-women's rights advocate still sue. That higher age of consent can result in misconduct in abuse and statutory rape. However, no high-profile cases of sexual harassment have been reported or reported. Bad luck. According to a United Nations report, 47% of Indian women get married before the age of 18.

Offenses on women’s UPSC essay -What are the 9 categories of domestic violence?

In the above paragraphs I have explained to you the symptoms and signs. In this paragraph I will try to explain to you what the categories of crimes against women are:

Physical abuse.

When someone uses a part of their body and or an object to control a person’s actions.

Sexual abuse

What time a person is forced to unwillingly take part in sexual activity?

Emotional abuse

When someone says or does something to make a person feel stupid or worthless.

Psychological abuse

What at the time someone uses threats and causes fear in an individual to gain control.

Religious violence

When someone uses an individual’s spiritual (religious) beliefs to manipulate. Dominate or control that person.

Cultural abuse

What at the time an individual is harmed as a result of practices that are part of her or his culture? Religion and or customs.

Oral violence

When someone uses language, whether spoken or written. To cause harm to an individual.

Financial Violence

What at the time someone controls an individual’s financial resources without the person’s consent or misuses those resources. Neglect occurs. When someone has the responsibility to provide care or assistance for an individual but does not.

Offenses on women’s UPSC essay-What is the difference between 498A and domestic violence?

Great compare. You see first.  The Indian Domestic Violence Act is known for any form of harassment complaint even without the demand for dowry, such as violence, which then arises for physical, mental, social, economic, etc. reasons. Attention. Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code comes into force when the victim is the main victim of harassment for imperfection. Demand for dowry is compulsory.

9 great Offenses on women’s UPSC essay: 5 great tips for rank 100% UPSC exam

How can we stop violence against women?

In the above paragraphs I have explained to you the symptoms and signs and what are the categories. In this paragraph, I will try to explain to you how to defend crimes against women.

Great. Relationship skills. Strengthened refers to strategies aimed at individuals or groups of women. Men or couples to improve skills in interpersonal communication, conflict management, and shared decision-making.

Bravo. An environment made safe refers to efforts to create safe schools, public spaces, and work environments. Among others.

Just like. Empowerment of women refers to both economic and social empowerment. Including inheritance and asset ownership, microfinance plus gender and empowerment training interventions, collective action, creating safe spaces. And mentoring to build skills in self-efficacy, assertiveness, negotiation, and self-confidence.

Nice idea. Services ensured refer to a range of services including police, legal, health, and social services provided to survivors.

Excellence thinks. Reduce poverty refers to strategies targeted to women or the household whose primary aim is to alleviate poverty ranging from cash transfers, savings, microfinance loans, labor force interventions. Child and adolescent abuse prevention refer to establishing nurturing family relationships, prohibiting corporal punishment, and implementing parenting programmers as mentioned in inspire.

Master idea. Female child and adolescent abuse prevented refer to establishing a nurturing family. Like a relationship, prohibiting corporal punishment, and implementing parenting programmer as mentioned in inspire.

Great idea. Transformed Social attitudes, beliefs, and norms refer to strategies that challenge harmful gender attitudes, beliefs, norms, and stereotypes that uphold male privilege and female subordination. That the justify violence against women and stigmatizes survivors. And these may range from public campaigns, group education to community mobilization efforts.

Wow. Limited Use the internet and mobile for purposeful welfare. And don’t be addicted to it.

Offenses on women’s UPSC essay -Reference

Vishakha case guideline

Protection of women from domestic violence act-2005 PDF

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Crimes against women’s in India statistics 2020: Expectations vs. Reality


Offenses on women’s UPSC essay-Conclusion  

Blunder. Domestic violence is most often committed through acquaintances or spouses. Serious health problems in women from domestic violence often result in physical-emotional and sexual forms.

Offenses on women’s UPSC essay. Physical health outcomes may include the following: Injuries ( like laser fractures and injuries to internal organs), unwanted pregnancies, gynecological problems, STDs including HIV, miscarriage, pelvic inflammatory disease, chronic pelvic pain, headaches, permanent disability, Self-injurious behaviors ( like drug use, unprotected sex).

Mental health effects can include depression, fear, anxiety, low self-esteem, sexual dysfunction, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or post-traumatic stress disorder. Fatal effects of domestic violence can include suicide, cow slaughter, maternal mortality, or HIV/AIDS.

Bad luck. You see again. The negative public health consequences of domestic violence are also strongly associated with domestic violence. And Social and economic costs are known to be the direct result of these public health outcomes. many And it is argued that these expenditures justify state action to act in the public interest. look and the costs associated with productivity, public health care, and the criminal justice system also increase.

Be aware. Sections-96 to Section-107 of the Criminal Code provides that an act of self-defense is considered to be an act of self-defense when a crime is being committed in front of a person and if the perpetrator is harmed by you while trying to save a victim within the limits of the law. The general public is inactive and frustrated because of the lack of society in this legal provision, instead of preventing crime. As a result, the perpetrator can easily carry out his nefarious intentions.

Any girl or female seeking legal guidance will contact us; we will always be ready to provide them with free legal advice and proper online guidance.

Are you lion not a frog

Jay Hind. Jay Bharat. Have a good day.



VIREN S. DAVE Attorney Viren Dave Globe is a legal services Provider online. Viren Dave is the founder and Main partner of a law firm called Attorney Askbylaw Associates. He specializes in enhancing engagement and user peace of mind by helping troubleshoot user legal queries. And, starting his career as a lawyer, he supports solving many legal issues in civil, criminal, property, consumer, family, corporate and other law. You can find him on his blog

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