Crimes against women’s in India statistics 2020: Expectations vs. Reality

Crimes against women in India statistics 2020: Expectations vs. Reality

Posted byaskbylaw_admin on February 27, 2022 
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Blog article: Crimes against women in India statistics 2020: Expectations vs. Reality

Hello folks,

Let's do it

Are you listening to me! True!

You see first, just recently in Gujarat, a teenage girl named "Grishma" was murdered in the presence of people of Society. Videos of Grishma's murder have gone viral on social media. The public has posted and commented on his social profile strongly condemning the murder of a girl named Grishma. And the public outcry has raised a lot of questions in the minds of the people and at the same time, a sense of insecurity may have arisen on social media and in reality till now.

In sum. A few days after the incident. A complaint was lodged at the police station alleging physical abuse of a minor female child of Bardoli's Jolwa village. And it has been heard that the workers living in this village keep their children at home, lock the door and go to work. Minor’s female child and or teenage girl is raped or sexually abused. Then after she’s murdered, and or forced to live in disgrace. Read more…

My husband sexually assaulted me: 3 proven ways 110% coming out from the big dark spot of couple life

Introduction-Crimes against women

Offenses against women are in India. It is a common misconception that the government is responsible for any crime. That is the main reason, people are seen expressing their anger against the government. The government has enacted rules and regulations to protect minors’ female children and women and to lead a dignified life. I am shocked. However, crimes against minor’s female children, and women do not stop. Read more…

The people of India have faith and trust in the Constitution of India. The culture of India has faith and trust in the law. The people of India have confidence in the police. The society of India has faith and confidence in the Indian judiciary that people will get justice. Read more…

Every criminal believes that what he has done is right. The criminal does not feel any fear of the laws or rules made by the government. The video, which went viral on social media, confirms that a young man named Fenil killed a young woman named Grishma in public. Now let us try to study the crimes against women not only in Gujarat but all over India. Read more…

This article has been prepared on the basis of report number-230 (2021) presented in the Parliament of India and the registered crimes. Read more…

The public of India has faith and trust in the Constitution of India. The public of India has faith and trust in the law. The people of India have confidence in the police. The people of India have faith and confidence in the Indian judiciary that people will get justice. Rea more…

Crimes against women and culture-Crimes against women

In Indian society, people often do not change the system but blend into the system.

Now a new trend has started that instead of not stopping the crime and not protecting the victim, just people shut the video of the crime scene and make it viral.

Girls and women often avoid complaining for fear of discrediting themselves and their families, which may result in the loss of their lives. Read more…

Crimes against women in India statistics 2020: Expectations vs. Reality


What are crimes against women in India?-

Rape And or murder (section 376, 376B, 376C and 376D with  or 302 of IPC)

Rape is a word with a very broad meaning. And a wide range of interpretations of his perspective. This is the most common crime against women and Indian society and the government has failed to eradicate this heinous crime. The world sees India as a nation of rapists. The number of these crimes has increased tremendously. Rape of a minor girl, rape of a woman (Section-376C), rape with murder (Section-376A), rape in the family, rape by government employees (Section-376C), gang rape (Section-376D), marital rape (Section-376B). you aware. Such offenses are punishable by up to 7 to 20 years in prison or life imprisonment. Read more…

Honor killing

Shocking. In the name of 'honor'. A series of murders and dishonest crimes are constantly recorded, regardless of family, race, or community. However, most of these murders and crimes are being reported from different states of India. Crime in the name of 'honor' is emotional, physical, and sexual.

Even more. Is it one of a series of violent or abusive acts? Including exploitation and other acts of coercion?. Panchayats or organizations, through various forms of coercion and disciplinary action. Try to spread terror and prevent marriages and congregations from taking place on the basis of choice. These actions also violate certain fundamental rights in the Constitution of India. Including the right to life. And the right to physical integrity and the right to choose who to associate with.

Gender selective Abortion

When a wife becomes pregnant. if the unborn child is a female child, she is killed by having an abortion before birth. Such an act is punishable in brief. Read more…

Marital rape (section 375 of IPC)

Here is a link to our other blog to help you understand the meaning of marital rape (Article 375 of IPC). Read more…

Insult too modestly (section 509 of IPC)

Be careful. Anyone who uses assault or criminal force for the purpose of humiliating her or forcing her to be naked or forcing her to be naked is liable under Section-354 and Section-354B, respectively. Such offenses carry a penalty of 1 year-5 years imprisonment till time. Read more…

Human trafficking

Please be noted. The concept of trafficking in women originated in India in the late 20th century. And still exists today. Section-370 of the Criminal Code describes various forms of trafficking. This mainly involves the trafficking of underage girls, trafficking for the purpose of exploitation, etc. Section-372 and Section-373 of the Criminal Code state the purchase and sale of minors for the purposes of prostitution. Be careful. As well as the jail sentence is different for each crime and it is punishable by up to 3 years to life and fine till time. Read more…

Domestic violence (section 498A of IPC)

Domestic violence is another word. This is common in India because women are considered to be the lowest class of human society. Psychology was that the man earns and works outside so he has the right to do anything with his wife. Fortunately, over time, that is needed to change. These acts of violence include beatings, rape, forced sex, etc. Thus, the Domestic Violence Act-2005 and Section 498A of the IPC is an offense punishable by one year. Read more…

Acid attack (section 326A, 326B of IPC)

Afraid. The sale of acid without proper information has been banned by the Government of India. unfortunately, acid attacks intimidate and harm women. And Sections-326A and section-326B of the Indian Penal Code state that anyone who voluntarily throws acid for a serious injury or assault can face up to 7 years imprisonment and a fine if convicted. Read more…

Eve teasing (section 509 of IPC)

Eve teasing is a euphemism for people's sexual harassment or molestation of women by men. That is a problem in today's youth. It is a form of sexual aggression ranging in intensity from sexual comment, brush, and catcalls to suffocation. Section-509 of the Indian penal code states that anyone who intends to insult the modesty of a woman. utters any word, makes any noise or gesture, or exhibits anything that intrudes into the privacy of such a woman is liable to imprisonment for up to 3 years and fine. Read more…

Stocking (section 354D of IPC)

Indian Penal Code -354D Pursuit-1. Any man who--

(i) Follows and approaches a woman or attempts to contact such a woman frequently to promote personal interaction, despite the obvious signs of distaste; Or

(ii) Monitor the use of the Internet, email, or any other type of electronic communication by women, committing the crime of stalking.

However, this type of behavior would not be considered equivalent to chasing if the person pursuing it proves that.

(i) it was pursued the purpose of preventing or detecting the crime and the person accused of pursuing the crime was entrusted by the state with the responsibility of prevention and investigation of the crime; Or

(ii) it was done to comply with any condition or requirement imposed by any person under any law or under any law; Or

(iii) Such behavior was reasonable and just in certain circumstances.

(2) Anyone who commits an offense of persecution shall be liable to imprisonment for any term for a term which may be extended up to three years after the first conviction, and shall also be liable to a fine; And the second or subsequent conviction shall be punishable, including imprisonment for any term for a term which may be extended to five years, and shall also be punishable. Read more…

Chain snatching (section 378 of IPC)

Theft against Indian women is limited to chain-snatching and other valuables. This is a universal problem in modern society. And older women are the most affected and tolerant class in these crimes. And sometimes criminals even disguise themselves known as police officers and ask women to give their valuables for security purposes. You are aware. The offense is therefore subject to Section-378 of the Indian Penal Code. Read more…

Abduction/Kidnapping (section 359,360 and 366 of IPC)

The term abduction means abduction from India or abduction from legal guardianship. Section-360 ​​of the Indian Penal Code states that a person may be taken out of India without their consent. Someone must have kidnapped that person from India. Read more…

And any minor child (16 years in case of male and 18 years in case of female) is taken away without his / her consent. Or parental consent.

Consent to abducting a person from legal custody is called consent (Section-361 of IPC).

The punishment for this act is up to 7 years. Section-366 of the Indian Penal Code provides for abduction, defining abduction or incitement of a woman to her marriage and forcible sexual intercourse. For which the offender is liable to imprisonment for up to 10 years and a fine.

Dowry and death (section 498A, 302 of IPC)

The evil practice of taking dowry from the bride's parents in marriage is still common in rural India. Married women die slowly if their family members oppose it. And the number of such deaths has increased in recent years. Read more…

Sexual harassment (section 354A of IPC)

You are aware. Sexual harassment can be defined as unwanted sexual activity, requests for unilateral sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. And Such crimes range from mild violations to sexual abuse or sexual assault to showing women pornography against their will. That is the reason. If a person commits an act of sexual harassment, proving it can lead to severe imprisonment and a fine of up to 3 years till. Read more…

Cybercrime (bullying, abuse, pornography, violence, blackmailing, etc. under the information technology act)

Following a woman means violating women's privacy by following or monitoring regular contacts or monitoring the Internet or any other electronic communication. Those who do so are liable to imprisonment and fines ranging from 3 years to 5 years. Read more…

In the last few years, India has also advanced in the world of technology. Amazing. And you see women have an equal share in it. But the diseased mind does not leave any opportunity to exploit women in any way even in the cyber world. There are many cyber crimes like bullying, abuse, pornography, morphing, etc. that are happening against women every day. Such offenses carry provisions ranging from 3 years imprisonment to life imprisonment and fine under the Information Technology Act-2000. Read more…

Please be noted.

The law has been repealed by sections-326A, 326B, 354, 354A, 354B, 354C, 354D, 370, 370A, 375, 376, 376A, 376B, 376D and 359A of the Criminal Code.

Apart from this. there were many other offenses and their punishment under the Indian Penal Code was related to women. Amazing. Fortunately, the Indian government has made efforts in favor of women by introducing a number of laws in the workplace. Established as the Sexual Harassment of Women Act-2013. and more recently the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses-2013. etc. The government has also amended the criminal law and the Code of Criminal Procedure. The Government of India is keen to bring in legislation for dowry-related crimes and honor killings. However, sooner or later cybercrime will be brought under control. Due to the changes that have taken place in society over the years. Women are now ready to fight for themselves and women are getting huge support. That is the reason. So we want to change our society but first, we have to change our thinking. Read more…

How many crimes (statistics) are against women in India?

Are you ready? Considering the limitations of the words, it is not possible to discuss them with you in detail here. So when you find this article useful in any way, you need to take the trouble to read the following link. Read more…

2021 crime against women parliament report

Cause (Intention) of crime?

There can be unlimited reasons for crimes against women. The main reasons are as follows. Read more…

  • Feeling for Revenge from her.
  • Men cannot overcome their sexual urges.
  • Men experience equal, levels of violence perpetrated by their spouse or former spouse.
  • One side love.
  • Every woman is owned by a man. The belief is that woman is not equal to men.
  • Alcohol causes men to be violence
  • Poverty and hunger.
  • Family reason
  • Blaming and ego,  Etc.

What are the laws relating to crimes against women in India?

  • The protection of women from Domestic violence act
  • Indian penal code
  • POCSO act
  • The immoral traffic (prevention) act-1956
  • The dowry prohibition act-1961
  • The sexual harassment of women in the workplace act
  • The indecent representation of women (prohibition) act.
  • The Indian evidence act
  • The Family court act. Read more…
  • Crimes against women’s in India statistics 2020: Expectations vs. Reality



Nirbhaya (Delhi gang-rape) case

Draft national policy for women-2016. Read more…

Conclusion-Crimes against women

It is the moral duty of every society and family to create a crime-free environment for girls and women in society. You are careful. For that reason, girls and women should not hesitate to train in self-defense and exercise their legal rights. Read more…

Please be noted. How can an all-around development take place in a society where girls and women are not safe. Great idea. Every girl and woman should be trained in self-defense so that girls and women can defend themselves. At the same time. It is becoming necessary and indispensable to provide knowledge and guidance on the exercise of the rights conferred on the law.

Be aware. Sections-96 to Section-107 of the Criminal Code provides that an act of self-defense is considered to be an act of self-defense when a crime is being committed in front of a person and if the perpetrator is harmed by you while trying to save a victim within the limits of the law. The general public is inactive and frustrated because of the lack of society in this legal provision, instead of preventing crime. As a result, the perpetrator can easily carry out his nefarious intentions.

Any girl or woman seeking legal guidance will contact us, we will always be ready to provide them with free legal advice and guidance.

Jay hind Jay Bharat.

Be a prince not a frog





VIREN S. DAVE Attorney Viren Dave Globe is a legal services Provider online. Viren Dave is the founder and Main partner of a law firm called Attorney Askbylaw Associates. He specializes in enhancing engagement and user peace of mind by helping troubleshoot user legal queries. And, starting his career as a lawyer, he supports solving many legal issues in civil, criminal, property, consumer, family, corporate and other law. You can find him on his blog

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