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Blog article: Order 39 CPC: 8 ways to know 100% useful meaning of what is an interlocutory order? Welcome to the legal word

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Object: ORDER 39 CPC

The primary purpose of granting interim relief is to preserve the controversial property of the parties till the court decides the controversial claims of the legal rights. A court exploitation affordable judicial discretion could grant or deny interim relief.

Prohibition order: ORDER 39 CPC

The restraining order is outlined in Hullsbury's law as: "A judicial method during which a celebration is ordered to refrain from doing or doing a selected act or factor." The word injection within the Oxford lexicon suggests that "a judicial warning or judicial order that stops someone from taking associate action or forcing someone to perform a particular act."


Legal provisions:

Indian courts regulate the supply of temporary restraining orders in accordance with the procedure prescribed beneath Order XXXIX of the Code of Civil Procedure, whereas temporary and permanent restraining orders ar determined by sections thirty six to forty two of the Relief Act.

Everything a few temporary restraining order beneath the Code of Civil Procedure 1908

Rule: 1-Rule one deals with all cases wherever a brief restraining order is also issued. Where in any claim it's tested by testimony or otherwise

1. Any property within the suit is in danger of being broken, broken or alienated by either party to the claim, or improperly sold-out within the execution of the decree, or

2. litigant threatens or intends to get rid of or get rid of his property with the intent to victimize his creditors,



  1. Case in which temporary injunction may be granted-When in any suit, it is proved by affidavit or otherwise-
  2. That any property in dispute in a suit in danger of being wasted, damaged or alienated by any party to the suit, or wrongfully sold in execution of a decree, or
  3. That the defendant threatens, or intends, to remove or dispose of his property with a view to (Defrauding) his creditors,
  4. That the defendant threatens or dispossess, to remove or dispossess, the plaintiff or otherwise cause injury to the plaintiff in relation to any property in dispute in the suit.

The court may order grant a temporary injunction to restrain such act or make such other order for the purpose of staying and preventing the wasting, damaging, alienation, sale removal or disposition of the property or dispossession of the plaintiff, or otherwise causing injury to the plaintiff in relation to any property in dispute in the suit as the court think fit, until the disposed of the suit or until further order.

  1. Injunction to restrain repetition or continuance of breach-(1). In any suit for restraining the defendant from committing a breach of contract or other injury of any kind. Whether compensation is claimed in the suit or not, the plaintiff may, at any time after the commencement of the suit, and either before or after judgment, apply to the court for a temporary injunction to restrain the defendant from committing the breach of contract or injury complained of, or any breach of contract or injury of a like king arising out of the same contract to relating to the same property of right.

(2) The court may be order grant such injunction, on such terms as to the duration of injunction, keeping an account, giving security, or otherwise, as the court thinks fit.

2A. Consequence of disobedience or breach of injunction -(1).In the case of disobedience of any injunction granted or other order made under rule 1 or rule-2 or breach of any of the terms on which the injunction was granted or the order made, the court granting the injunction or making the order, or any court to which the sit or proceeding is transferred, may order the property of the person guilty of such disobedience or breach to be attached, and may also order such person to be detained in the civil prison for a term not exceeding three months, unless in the meantime the curt directs his release.

                 (2) No attachment made under this rule shall remain in force for more than one year, at the end of which time, if the disobedience or breach continues, the property attached may be sold and out of the proceedings, the court may award such compensation as it thinks fit to the injured party and shall pay balance, if any, to the party entitled thereto.

3. Before granting the injunction, the court to direct notice to the opposite party.-The

The court shall in all cases, except where it appears that the object of    granting the injunction would be defeated by the delay, before granting an injunction, direct notice of the application for the same to be given to the opposite party:

           Provided that, where it is proposed to grant an injunction without giving notice of the application to the opposite party, the court shall record the reasons for its opinion that the object of granting the injunction would be defeated by delay, and require the applicant,-

  • (a)To deliver to the notice opposite party, or to send to him by registered post, immediately after the order granting the injunction has been made, a copy of  the application for injunction together with,-
  •  A copy of the affidavit filed in support of the application.
  • A copy of the plaint; and
  • Copies of documents on which the applicant relies, and
  •  (b) To file, on the day on which such injunction is granted or on the day immediately following that day, an affidavit stating that the copies aforesaid have been so delivered or send. 

3A. A court to dispose of the application for an injunction within thirty days. - Where an injunction has been granted without giving notice to the opposite party, the court shall make an Endeavour to finally dispose of the application within thirty days from the date on which the injunction was granted; and where it is unable so to do, it shall record its reasons such inability.

  • Order for injunction may be discharged, varied or set aside.- Any order for an injunction has been discharged, or varied, or set aside by court, on application made thereto by party dissatisfied with such order:

Provide that if in an application for temporary injunction or in any affidavit supporting such application, a party has knowingly made a false or misleading statement in relation to a material particular and the injunction was granted without giving notice to the opposite party, the court shall vacate the injunction unless, for reason to be recorded, it considers that it is not necessary so to do in the interests of justice.

Provided further that where an order for injunction has been passed after giving to a party an opportunity of being heard, the order shall not be discharged, variation or setting aside has been necessitated by a change in the circumstances, or unless the court is satisfied that the order  has caused undue hardship to that party.

  • 5. Injunction to corporation binding on its officers.-An injunction directed to a corporation is binding not only on the corporation itself, but also on all members and officers of the corporation whose personal action it seeks to restrain.


  •  6. Power to order interim sale. - The court may, on the application of any party to a suit, order the sale, by any person named in such order, and in such manner and on such terms as it thinks fit, or any movable property, being subject matter of such suit, or attached before judgment in such suit, which is subject to speedy and natural decay, or which for any other just and sufficient cause it may be desirable to have sold at once.
  • 7. Detention, preservation, inspection, etc., of subject matter of suit.-(1) The court may, on the application of any party to a suit and on such terms as it thinks fit,-
  • Make an order for the detention, preservation, or inspection of any property which is the subject-matter of such suit, or as to which any question may arise therein;
  • For all or any of the purpose aforesaid authorize any person to enter upon or into any land or building in the possession of any other party to such suit; and
  • For all or any of the purpose aforesaid authorize any samples to be taken, or any observation to be made or experiment to be tried, which may seem necessary or expedient for the purpose of obtaining full information or evidence.

(2)  The provisions as to execution of process shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to persons authorized to enter this rule.

8. Application for such orders to be after notice. - (1) An application by the plaintiff for an order under rule 6 or rule 7 may be made at any time after institution of the suit.

(2) An application by the defendant for a like order may be made at any time after appearance.

(3) Before making an order under rule 6 or rule 7 on an application made for the purpose, the court shall, except where it appears that the object of making such order would be defeated by the delay, direct notice thereof to be given to the opposite party.

9. When party may be put in immediate possession of land the subject-matter of suit.- Where land paying revenue to government, or a tenure liable to sale, is the subject-matter of a suit, if the party in possession of such land or tenure neglects to pay the Government revenue, or the rent due to the proprietor of the tenure, as the case may be, and such land or tenure is consequently ordered to be sold, any other property to the suit claiming to have an interest in such land or tenure may, upon payment of the revenue or rent due previously to the sale (and with or without security at the discretion of the court, be put in immediate possession of the land or tenure; And the court in its decree may award against the defaulter the amount so paid, with interest thereon at such rate as the court thinks fit, or may charge the amount so paid, with interest thereon at such rate as the court orders, in any adjustment of accounts which may be directed in the decree passed in the suit.

10. Deposit of money, etc; in court. - Where the subject matter of a suit is money or some other thing capable of delivery and any party thereto admits that he holds such money or other things as a trustee for another party, to that it belongs or is due to another party, the court may order the same to be deposited in court or delivered to such last-named party, with or without security, subject to the further direction of the court.


  1. Appointment of commissioner to conduct search and seizure
  2. Temporary injunction
  3. Appointment of court receiver to collect rent  or payment
  4. Payment into court
  5. security for maintaining a cause


  1. Temporary injunction (section 94+95 and order 36 rule 1+2+3+4+5)
  2. Perpetual /Permanent Injunction


Grounds for a brief restraining order:

Order thirty-nine Rule one provides that a brief restraining order could also be issued by the court:

1. The controversial property is in peril of being ruined, broken or separated by either party to the claim, or has been improperly sold-out within the execution of the decree.

2. Wherever the defendant: threatens to nobble the creditors or intends to get rid of or eliminate his property.

3. Wherever Defendant: Threatens to unharness the litigant or otherwise injure the litigant in reference to the controversial property.

4. Litigant goes to breach the peace or enter into AN agreement or otherwise (Order thirty-nine Rule 2).

5. Wherever the court is of the opinion that the interest of justice is important.

Conditions for provision a brief restraining order:

A restraining order could be a discretionary live and, thus, before granting a brief restraining order, the subsequent conditions should be met:

1. The clear case is in favor of the litigant and against the litigant.

2. The litigant is probably going to suffer irreparable injury, that can't be stipendiary in terms of cash.

3. The balance of convenience is in favor of the litigant and against the litigant.

4. there's a factual dispute raised by the petitioner and also the petitioner is probably going to be entitled to the relief claimed by him.

Thus, the burden is on the litigant UN agency prays for relief. Proof of 1 of the higher than conditions alone doesn't create an individual entitled to a brief restraining order.

Circumstances wherever a restraining order could also be granted:

The following list isn't complete however a number of them ar as follows:

1. to take care of the establishment.

2. Against the transfer of property

3. Disposal of products.

4. Build construction

5. Moving the recovery of debts.

6. Attachment of property.

7. Appoint a receiver or commission

8. Proceedings against etc.


The effectiveness of basic laws depends mostly on the standard and clarity of procedural laws. Unless the method for implementing rights is easy, effective, fast, low-cost and imprecise, the essential laws, notwithstanding however well-designed they'll be, can fail in their purpose and purpose. As discovered by Sir Henry ME, "the method should very be the slave of justice; its slogan should be aristocrat of Wales, itch dean (" I serve "). The most truth is accepted; however in apply its usually unnoted. Is.

To begin with AN analysis of why this truth is unheeded in apply, we'll consult with the natural justice rules that need that once applying underneath Order thirty-nine Rules one and a pair of, C.P.C. The person (s) against whom relief is sought-after ought to be a chance to be detected before the court. However, generally true / circumstances could need immediate intervention of the court to pass the order, that if not passed could end in failure of justice and defeat the aim of such application. In such a case, writ thirty-nine Rules one and a pair of, C.P.C. could proceed to think about AN application for AN interim restraining order filed underneath. Before issue notice to the person (s) against whom relief has been sought-after. Consequently, a pre-sided declaration interim order of the restraining order is passed victimization the powers bestowed underneath Order thirty-nine Rule one and a pair of, C.P.C. For the progress of this text, allow us to assume that AN order underneath Rule thirty-nine and a pair of CPC has been passed against you.

You begin to seem at the potential relief offered underneath the law (CPC) during which you discover 2 primary solutions to proceed procedurally:

Order thirty-nine the restraining order underneath Rule four is also revoked, varied or separated that states the following:

Any order for a restraining order is also laid-off, modified or put aside by the court on the appliance of any party discontented with such order.

If a celebration wittingly makes a false or deceptive statement in relevancy a specific material in AN application for a brief restraining order or in any legal document supporting such application, and also the restraining order is granted while not giving notice to the opposite party, the court can got to dismiss it. A restraining order, unless, for reasons of registration, deems it necessary to riot within the interest of justice: if a restraining order has been passed once giving a celebration an opportunity to be detected, the order shall be discharged, varied or put aside at the request of that party. Not unless such discharge is needed to be excluded by modification or modification of circumstances or unless the court is happy that the order has caused undue hardship thereto party.

Appeal from the order that states as follows:

The attractiveness underneath the provisions of section 104 shall be from the subsequent orders, namely: (r) Order underneath Rule one, Rule two [Rule 2A], Rule four or Rule ten of Order XXXIX;

The question currently arises on that provision of the procedural law ought to be pursued so as to get the specified relief to line aside the interim order of a one-sided declaration of restraining order from the exercise of power bestowed underneath Order thirty-nine Rule one and a pair of, CPC.

The full bench of the Supreme Court (AIR 1970 all 376, Zilla Parishad, Badaun & Ors. V. Brahma Rishi Sharma) has command the following: -

"That the aggrieved party has 2 choices against a pre-party order granting a brief restraining order; either approach identical court (Order thirty-nine Rule 4) that has passed a one-sided order for relief or file attractiveness underneath Rule forty three. Code1. "

The on top of principle was resolute within the case of Subhash Mohan Dev's case (Supra), yet again (1984) one GLR 133 the complete bench of this court has enacted law on the topic within the following words: -

"If AN interim restraining order is passed underneath order thirty-nine, R.1 or two of the Code of Civil Procedure, whether or not it's on one aspect or the opposite, it's appealing, as O. 43, R.1 (r) to the party. Enables. Prioritizing attractiveness out of enmity of any order underneath O.39, R.1 or 2. In our opinion, therefore, the court cannot refuse to just accept attractiveness on the only ground that such orders area unit temporary or interim or temporary. Similarly, interim orders declaring their nature passed underneath O.1 or two area unit invariably conferred as a celebration, Parliament, being absolutely alert to true, allowed to attractiveness against such orders. A pre-sided order, whether or not temporary, temporary or interim, is appealable if rendered underneath O.39, Rr.1 and 2. On observation of Order forty three, R.1 (r) we tend to note that It states that the attractiveness can come back from "Order" underneath R.1, R.2-A, R.4 and R.10 of Order thirty-nine. Therefore, any order underneath Rr.1, 2, 2-A and four is appealable. However, the choice this can be not the case. during which it's assumed that the previous party or the interim order of the restraining order underneath O.39, Rr.1,2,2-A isn't appealable because it is temporary or former party or non-spiky


 In the immediate case the applying on that the relevant order was passed was neither underneath Rule one nor underneath Rule a pair of of Order thirty-nine CPC and none of the weather needed for application underneath Rule one or Rule a pair of of Order thirty-nine exist. Application by bank. the ability exercised by the court underneath Order 39A Rule 2A of the Code is of a correctional nature, just like the ability to penalize for contempt of court underneath the Contempt of Court Act, 1971. The person complaining  of disobedience or violation should clearly state that there's little doubt that the person against whom the applying was created was ordered or ordered to refrain from doing or doing bound factor or act which such order was disobeyed or profaned. once considering AN application underneath Order thirty-nine Rule 2A, the court cannot, on the premise of suspicion and conjecture, interpret the order as AN obligation to try to to one thing not laid out in the 'order' in respect of that the allegation of disobedience / breach is formed. Power underneath Rule 2A ought to be exercised with extreme caution and responsibility.

 In the immediate case the applying on that the relevant order was passed was neither underneath Rule one nor underneath Rule a pair of of Order thirty-nine CPC and none of the weather needed for application underneath Rule one or Rule a pair of of Order thirty-nine exist. Application by bank. the ability exercised by the court underneath Order 39A Rule 2A of the Code is of a correctional nature, just like the ability to penalize for contempt of court underneath the Contempt of Court Act, 1971. The person complaining  of disobedience or violation should clearly state that there's little doubt that the person against whom the applying was created was ordered or ordered to refrain from doing or doing bound factor or act which such order was disobeyed or profaned. once considering AN application underneath Order thirty-nine Rule 2A, the court cannot, on the premise of suspicion and conjecture, interpret the order as AN obligation to try to to one thing not laid out in the 'order' in respect of that the allegation of disobedience / breach is formed. Power underneath Rule 2A ought to be exercised with extreme caution and responsibility.


Dalpat Kumar versus Prahlad Singh and ORS [1] The Supreme Court, whereas considering the question of balance of convenience, ascertained that the court ought to use affordable judicial discretion in sweat discretion in provision or denying a restraining order and will try and weigh the appreciable inconvenience or injury which can be caused to the parties. ought to be done which can happen to the opposing party if the restraining order is approved.

Manoharlal v. Seth Hiralal AIR 1962; Conducted by the SC, although the case isn't coated on the idea of 0-39, a brief restraining order could also be issued for the exercise of the ability below section 151 of the CPC.



ORDER 39 CPC. Thus, after a detailed discussion of the above, it can be said with certainty that if a citizen's own property or rights are invaded, his property or rights can be protected by following the procedure laid down in the law to help him. But this possibility only makes sense when it comes to following the advice of a legal expert.

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VIREN S. DAVE Attorney Viren Dave Globe is a legal services Provider online. Viren Dave is the founder and Main partner of a law firm called Attorney Askbylaw Associates. He specializes in enhancing engagement and user peace of mind by helping troubleshoot user legal queries. And, starting his career as a lawyer, he supports solving many legal issues in civil, criminal, property, consumer, family, corporate and other law. You can find him on his blog

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